[ 3 librarian ting tong masuk air ...hahahha ]Hallu.....1 bulan 8 hari....wah...cukup wat aku pnyer tgn kebas kerana menahan nak menulis post blog nie...hahahha..harus!btween dis gap byk bnder brlaku......sgt byk..tpi dis post focus utk smlm....huh! wow....quit tough..4 me la.....hehehhe~~~
* Pgi..mser bru ngkt handbrek utk parking kat mahsa...bru rse cm sronok coz dpt port parking masssyukk.......top2...da 1 student ketuk tingkap...harus la aku cm terkejut...sbb dlu aku pnah kner sound ngn 1 mamat coz halang laluan bas.....heheheheh...ada aku kesah..harus la kner kisah beb.......ok berbalik pd stdnt tue...nama dier hidayat...mmg regular patrons la....everyday 4 sure msuk lib...hehhhe....then mintak aku teman dier naek ke kolej pompuan atas.....gf dier sesak nafas...oMG.....4 da 1st time i handel dis situation...wat to do!so,wat happened at dat time....sorry i can't mention.........but,huh...bler dah berakhir n ok....syukur sgt2...then 1 thing dat i selut dis kapel....bout their loving n care...n most important thing smstinya psal kematangan student nie handle perkara2 cm ni..tahniah utk aku n adek2 tu...ahaks!
* msuk2 lib dah der kjer menanti..printing n photocopy non stop...handle it...aduh.....klo mesin tu buleh jerit...msti dah lmer dier jerit.....working non stop til bau hangit.....gilak!then rushing to library PBD replace kak malar......not 4 get to bring 3 boxes of dissertation 4 top up dgree dis coming fab...topup dgree..OMG!menakutkan........serangan yg betrubi2....neggengenge~~~nsb baek der 2 indian boys kat mahsa nie yg encem2 yg kompem idung dorang mancung smpai leh sngkut hanger....grau2 jer......dorang la yg dok tolong ngkt kotak....thanx guys...nanti akak blnjer cekelat....than smpai pbd...mak ai...harus la jem..dan wajib la asyik kner hon.....3 kali tawaf ...bru leh parking kat VIP 4 drop by the heaviest boxes tue...nsb baek der kak malar + pak guard..if x ....x pepasal la aku der muscle mcm popeye...ekekkekekek~~~~
* Blik almost by 5.30 from pbd....mak ai....sah2 la friday kan....tak jem ker?msti la jem + peanut butter + kaya.....hahhahahah......leh plak der laporan banjir kilat kat kelana jaya...harus la aku lalu jalan tu....aku dah imagine la kancil cute aku terapung2 atas banjir....huh! best2x.....so,spnjg jem aku mengkarok kan diri......dlm kul 8 bru smpai.....yg plg strees nper ujan lebat ...dah cm siput jer semua....hahahhahaah~~~
* huh..rentetan dr ujan lebat...lantas...aku gedebush! jtuh beb...mahu x lebam lutut nie...... sempat bershufle2 dlu sblum jtuh tue...gilak!hasilnyer...mak aaiii...pdih seh......