Saturday, August 14, 2010

katanya : ♥ 2 hati

hallu smua....ahad day!msih kerja ...kerja dan kerja...
last day utk xtend opening hours...yehooo~~cinta 2 hati...uiks...
its not bout me yaa...afgan syah reza..kenal kah kamu?x kenal?..ada aku kesah...wakakkkaka...
if yg x knal..let i introduce....
nie la "ex" aku....wakakkak~~~

tdi buhsan2....g la tgk2 n usha2 latest movie indonesia....
giler keterujaan aku meluak2..mklum la afgan....anak ikan yang aku kagumi...gitu!
1st movie afgan (if i not mistaken)...klo kat indon dah tyg....1 april lpas...
malaysia? entah tyg entah x......hohoohoh~~~
aku x taw either citer ni besh or x? x kesah la besh or x....yg ponting afgan aku ado!
mgikut sinopsis dr official web site utk cter cinta 2 hati ni ; cerita cinte klise anak muda...wakakaak~~~

Sinopsis :
[ der sinopsis dlm bahasa...tpi bahasa, nanti tkut korang garu pale tak phm jdi aku letak la sinopsis in english...lidah keju kan! ]

ALFA (Afgan) is a young singer at the height of his career. He is not only good at singing, but also a handsome young man. Despite a brilliant career and wallowing in wealth, but he remains a fine young man and loyal to sweatheart , LARAS (Tika Putri).LARAS is the figure of a beautiful girl, sweet and understanding, so no wonder when Alfa was so loved. ALFA Day was taken by a show from one city to another and other activities related to entertainment and media. Alfa music concerts are always full of fans that are dominated by young girls. Between the thousands of fans who idolized Alfa, there is a teenager named JANE (Lubis Olivia Jensen).She is also a fanatic, so that makes it so crazy and obsessed to have Alfa.this girl is the grandson of conglomerate, BAKTI HASAN (Deddy Mizwar). The grandfather really want to give any requested Jane,because the fact that Jane was suffering from cancer. So with her grandfather intervention, Jane managed to enter the life of Alfa.What will Jane and her grandfather to attract sympathy Alfa? She finally died? How the fate Laras ? Is Alfa able to prove his loyalty? These questions are the dynamics and conflicts in the story of Cinta Dua hati is very interesting to follow.

mbik ko....aku copy n paste sebijik2...wakakkakak...
dsbabkan aku sgt lmer x melihat gmbr pacarku ini..pacar? x sesuai...anak ikan nie...hohohoohoh~~~jdi aku menepekkannyer di wall ku ini :


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